日期:2020年3月29日(日) 時間:10:00am-1:00pm 地點:ABC Pathways國際幼稚園(黃埔校舍) – 黃埔花園11期地下25號 (港鐵黃埔站A出口) (...
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During each Summer Programme since 2010, ABC Pathways School has run the “Parents’ Phonics Workshop” – an intensive programme tailor-made for parents, that is designed to effectively and...
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ABC Pathways Group Happy School 系列《校長分享會》 一連3個月,三大小學校長親臨ABC主講: 🌈 講者:真道書院校長 曹希銓博士...
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【ABC Pathways 國際幼稚園】100%成功入讀首3目標小學 ABC Pathways International Kindergarten本年度的畢業生100%成功考獲首三目標學校,高達85...
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2019/2020 K1-K3 Acceptance The result will be announced individually by our school admin. A registration reminder will be emailed to successful candidates via subsequent email. 2020/2021 PN –...
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Interview Date:14 Mar 2020 (Sat)Time:10:00am – 12:00nn (Tai Koo) Ground Floor of Block 8&9, Kornhill Garden, 1124 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (MTR Tai Koo Station...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten Admission Seminar Enroll Now:https://bit.ly/2og5T2d Date:15 Feb 2020 (Sat) Time:10:00am – 12:00nn (Tai Koo) Time:2:00pm – 4:00pm ...
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Since there are still unstable factors affecting the roads and traffic conditions, and more time should be given for schools to make good preparation for class resumption, the Education Bureau (EDB)...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten14 Nov 2019 School Suspension Notice In view of the current traffic and emergency conditions, the Education Bureau (EDB) announced that classes of all...
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Dear Parents, Due to the unstable traffic conditions, and considering the safety for our parents, kids and staff, school will be closed today. Thank you!
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