ABC聖誕小豆丁派對 在10月舉辦的Halloween Party超過1,800人報名參加,上次活動未有機會參加嘅朋友機會黎啦! 聖誕即將到來,ABC 誠邀各位到ABC Pathways...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 開放日👻ABC玩轉Halloween派對 👶PN-K3小朋友及家長 免費參加 👫每個時段只限30人 ...
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Dear parents, As the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is now in force, EDB has announced that Classes of Kindergartens are suspended today. Thanks.
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由於紅色暴雨警告信號現正生效,教育局宣佈,所有上午校及全日制學校今日停課,謝謝! As the Red Rainstorm warning signal is now in force, the EDB has announced...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten Summer Programme (Chi, Eng, Maths) Super Early Bird 31/5 前 高達$1,200減免 由幼稚園老師親自教授...
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ABC Pathways Playgroup Programme (Chinese, English, Mandarin) Medium of instruction 教學語言: English 英語, Chinese 廣東話, Mandarin 普通話 Activities 內容: Language...
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ABC Pathways國際幼稚園 《ABC網上幼稚園教室》 網上教學 + 線下補充練習 令你的小朋友反超前 日期:星期一至五 每天:30分鐘 時間:2:30-3:00pm...
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To provide you with a better understanding of our happy learning environment and culture, ABC now offers Parent Briefing and Tours. The sessions have been scheduled for:✨ Wednesday 24th Mar at 10...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 小一選校秘笈成功個案經歷分享 🔅分享面試攻略 🔅小一入學適應過程 🔅教學模式...
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